Welcome to my genealogy blog where I am putting on pictures that I have acquired of my family. Along with any history that I find on them. If I have met that person and can remember something about them, then I will add that story too!
Some of our family names are: Utterback, McKenzie, Armstrong, Riggs, Ralston, Parker, Maupin, Dilbeck, Leister, Smith, Clough, Bowyer, McPherson, Andrews, Howard and Allen. I will only be putting on those last names up to my fourth generation, as you will see in the tabs. If I get too many last name of a different generation, I might need to put that on also. Example: Dilbecks.
I am glad ya'll came a visiting and hope to see ya back!
Thanks for stopping by!
Some of our family names are: Utterback, McKenzie, Armstrong, Riggs, Ralston, Parker, Maupin, Dilbeck, Leister, Smith, Clough, Bowyer, McPherson, Andrews, Howard and Allen. I will only be putting on those last names up to my fourth generation, as you will see in the tabs. If I get too many last name of a different generation, I might need to put that on also. Example: Dilbecks.
I am glad ya'll came a visiting and hope to see ya back!
Thanks for stopping by!
Who Are These People
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Unknown Photos Group #3
On the back of this one, it says: you can figure us out. I wish I could.
I think this may be Aunt Alice. Alice Riggs
On the back of this picture, it must of been to a lady named 'Opal' but her name is scratch out. The stamp of back is from Hico, Texas. So is this an Armstrong?
Unknown Photos Group #2
Hope you might recognize who these people are and help me to put names to their faces. This is group 2. Most of all these pictures have the old black paper on back with glue, so it has been hard to try and remove the paper to see the writing. Some have just bits of paper removed and some have a little writing, but not enough to see any names. Most have nothing written on back.
Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Unknown Photos Group #1
I have decided to just start putting on pictures of people who I am hoping will find names to, or if I have the name just get them on to share. I will try to put a group of 10 pictures on at a time.. Most of these pictures are no bigger than 2" by 2", and a couple of them are wallet size. Very small so I did my best to enlarge them without ruining the pixels. If you could help me out, I would appreciate it. Please leave a comment and the number of the picture you are commenting on. Thanks!
Picture #3 I think the person in front with the light colored shirt is my grandmother, Leona Riggs. Are the others classmates or cousins?
Picture #4 On the back of this picture you can barely see it might be the name of Alice. So is this my Aunt Alice Riggs?
Picture #6 On the back of this I can see it has the name of Billy, but also it says a school friend.
Picture #7 On back in pencil part of it reads...."but not good of us E...and Edna." I do have a great-great Aunt Edna Armstrong, born in 1890. Is this she and a sister or a cousin?
Picture #8 On the back of this little picture, it does say Leo Appleby. My Aunt Pearl was married to a Leo Appleby, so this him. Born in 1891 and died in 1978. Lola 'Pearl' Riggs born in 1894, died in 1933.

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