
Welcome to my genealogy blog where I am putting on pictures that I have acquired of my family. Along with any history that I find on them. If I have met that person and can remember something about them, then I will add that story too!
Some of our family names are: Utterback, McKenzie, Armstrong, Riggs, Ralston, Parker, Maupin, Dilbeck, Leister, Smith, Clough, Bowyer, McPherson, Andrews, Howard and Allen. I will only be putting on those last names up to my fourth generation, as you will see in the tabs. If I get too many last name of a different generation, I might need to put that on also. Example: Dilbecks.
I am glad ya'll came a visiting and hope to see ya back!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Trip to Donner Pass in 1941

A vacation trip for my mom and some of her Armstrong relatives! My mother (Emma Armstrong), her father (Harry Armstrong), Aunt Raynell, cousin Kenneth Ramsey,Great-granny Armstrong and cousin Patsy Armstrong, were able to go visit Donner Pass, California. I did a little research on Donner Pass through googlesearch.com, so that I could get a feel of what it might of been like. In the winter of 1941 there was a blizzard. The picture of it from: http://myoldadz.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=301, was too blurry. Some very interesting reading from here:

My mom, Emma and her cousin, Kenneth Ramsey.

Mattie Armstrong (my great grandmother), Aunt Raynell Armstrong, Harry Armstrong (my grandfather), and Emma June (my mother).

Mom with cousin Patsy Armstrong

Grandpa Armstrong with his mother, Mattie Armstrong.

Aunt Raynell with mom.

Cousin Patsy with mom.

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