
Welcome to my genealogy blog where I am putting on pictures that I have acquired of my family. Along with any history that I find on them. If I have met that person and can remember something about them, then I will add that story too!
Some of our family names are: Utterback, McKenzie, Armstrong, Riggs, Ralston, Parker, Maupin, Dilbeck, Leister, Smith, Clough, Bowyer, McPherson, Andrews, Howard and Allen. I will only be putting on those last names up to my fourth generation, as you will see in the tabs. If I get too many last name of a different generation, I might need to put that on also. Example: Dilbecks.
I am glad ya'll came a visiting and hope to see ya back!
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A New Blog

I wanted to scrapbook some old pictures my sister was kind enough to send me. Make a book of memories to past down to my children and anyone else in the family who wanted to enjoy them. Well, I have realized that it will take me the rest of my life to do what I would like. So I have decided to blog them and put what stories I know about each picture. There are many in which I do not know who the person is and am hoping that you might know them and have a story to post along with it.  We together will find the joy and sad times of our family and how we are all related! Enjoy!

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